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4Networking Southend

4Networking Southend, is an online and offline UK business community which I am Area Leader for groups in BrentwoodBasildon, Southend and Bluewater. They currently have 25993 members and 200+ linked breakfast networking groups across the UK and the great thing is as a member you can attend any of the meetings up to 4times each week. At the meetings you get 3 appointments with other members in the group and can swap leads and contacts, they have a great website and masses of stuff happening on there. Online membership is free, give it a whirl, youll love it, but if you want to attend a group there are loads ongoing and new one???s opening including Bluewater, Brentwood, Southend, Braintree and many, many more. Have a look at this link to get a better feel for them http:www.4networking.bizwelcome Feel free to give me a call if you need any further information

Areas Covered: Southend

Telephone number: 07990 600789


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